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Recommandés et Appairage FACEM Ensemble pour traitement du courrier FACEM Courriers recommandés et Appairage FACEM Recommandés et appairage FACEM

Facem is specialised in the treatment of registered letters and mail pairing. Pairing is the procedure which consists of assembling the right envelope (or the right package) with the corresponding registered mail. This operation makes it possible to control the integrity of the bonding of these two elements.

Our solutions adapt to all volumes of production and for any type of document. Our materials are available in autonomous modules or integrated machines.

We process the auto-sealed registered letter (pressure glue), registered stickers to be placed on an envelope or on cardboard, auto-sellable registered letter with or without receipt.

FACEM models have been proven for many years and are recognised for their ease of use and robustness. Our range of paper folders, mail folders and sealers (continuous or sheet-by-sheet) allows you to construct your documents. Our pairing solutions then allow you to safely match your mails.

With our FACEM systems you can:

  • Pair your standard documents.
  • Track and validate your production.

The machines are open and allow the treatment of PND or NPAI.

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